Is anyone on here into airboats? Me and my family used to be real big into them about 8 years ago. Then got into to buggys, and that moved into quads. I'd kinda like to get back into them. Are they laws real strict with them? Is their many areas to go with them? I was only about 8 when we sold them so I don't remeber much thats why I'm asking all these questions. Also if you have one post pictures please.
The problem with the people who oppose airboats, they buy waterfront property often site unseen or view during the day while most airboaters are still working. Then after they get moved in, they hear a noise that is not as peaceful as they expected and want to pass laws opposing the airboats.
Most of these people have been here un der 5 years. A fracion of the time the airboats have been operating in these waters.
When our county looked at enacting a noise ordinance the sheriff stepped up and said the ordinance would be nearly uninforceable and they didn't do anything. I think the county airboats would have even had a difficult time passing the db requirements.