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Topic: I PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE (Read 52128 times)
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Reply #150 on:
February 13, 2006, 03:30:24 PM »
Quote from: bigscrub79 on February 13, 2006, 03:26:44 PM
I am definately christian but in WPBSMOKA's defense: This country was foudned by christians and most of the laws were developed by christians. The founding fathers did how ever try to make it very clear that there should be a seperation of church and state. They saw what happened in England when the church and government were run together. They wanted to make sure that didnt happen again.
Ahhhh, if only WPBSMOKA could hear you now. But, since he won't be checking this thread again . . .
Bombardier Outlander Max XT 800
Polaris Predator 50
Reply #151 on:
February 13, 2006, 04:07:33 PM »
Quote from: WPBSMOKA on February 13, 2006, 03:19:51 PM
Quote from: GrizzlyGator on February 13, 2006, 01:42:22 PM
Quote from: WPBSMOKA on February 13, 2006, 11:14:24 AM
Grizzlygator wrote-
The reason it wasn't written in a more flexible form is because they mean't, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, maybe you don't believe in him but the founding fathers of this great nation did!!
Did your mommy or daddy have to help you with that one? That's the whole issue here. It's labeling everyone as christians.
Well WPBSMOKA, I happen to be 39 yrs old. so my mommy and daddy didnt have to speak for me, are yours doing it for you???
I wasn't labeling anybody just making a statement which in fact is true, many let me clerify MOST of our founding fathers relied upon there great faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, It may be hard pill
to swallow for you but this nation was built upon Christianity no ifs, ands or buts (thanks mommy for that one).
I think the bottom line here from my stand point is this, Our nation was indeed founded upon Chritian beliefs, no one can deny that it wasn't, its importance to the earliest of settlers is quite evident look it up, yes we are a free nation, to speak, look, say, work, worship, atheism, live etc. what ever basically your heart desires as long as its not against the law, but don't deny or try to change our american heritage/history by taking God out of it, God is as much a part of this great county as any important person you can name in our short history. No body is LABELING anybody here, if I go to Russia does that make me Russian, Going to a football game dosn't make you a football player, being an american also dosn't imply that you are a Chritian either, as well as being an american dosen't make me a person that believes in abortion even though our country has more than anybody (1.5 million a year!) in the whole world.
How about reading over everything I wrote. This country is forcing to be labeled blah blah blah. Everything that people keep bringing up in defense has already been shot down a few days ago. All you have to do is go back and see that I already covered the labeling issue a few days ago. And we already covered that the reason why people founded this country was to get away from one that was forcing them to only have one religious view point. Like I said, I have already shot all of this down. Now this is just a waste of my time. People coming to me with the same stuff that has already been discussed. I won't even be checking this thread again. Pathetic really. If you have a dispute, send me a PM. Peace
You could at least give the courtesy of knowing whats already been discussed on here before you try jumping in the end of it.
I appologize WPBSMOKA I didn't realize there was a time frame to reply on this board and or on certain subjects, this is however an open disscussion board and I did exersice my right to discuss! I don't have a dispute with anyone here, and I recognize everyones free will and speech & opinions, more power to you and yours, just remember you did come back to this thread and you did reply/quote using my statements which I suppose gives me the right to a rebuttle, even though! some items have been touched upon previously. peace
Last Edit: February 13, 2006, 07:32:30 PM by GrizzlyGator
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Reply #152 on:
February 13, 2006, 05:58:07 PM »
Quote from: bluesman on February 08, 2006, 10:17:04 AM
same as when my family moved here from europe they learn the language not try to change it to there native tounge.
Well said, glad to hear your family never forced English on the original Americans. What Native Indian dialect did you guys learn?
Last Edit: February 13, 2006, 06:23:48 PM by Paul_S
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Reply #153 on:
February 13, 2006, 06:23:54 PM »
Quote from: WPBSMOKA on February 13, 2006, 11:08:27 AM
Ok, call me a hypocrite!!!
Quote from: CABLEGUY1 on February 10, 2006, 08:25:24 PM
Quote from: WPBSMOKA on February 09, 2006, 02:00:51 PM
No, you are probably right Yunt. :(I most likely would make an attempt to restrain them in some form. I really couldn't give an honest answer on how I would respond to a situation like that, but I would assume I would make an attempt to survive.
Yes I would be a draft dodger. Try and start something over that, see if I care. I'm not about to put my life on the line for anyone, unless there was no way around it.
Let me get this right. You refuse to say the pledge, you think in god we trust should be removed from our currency, you admit you would be a draft dodger. I must say you seem as anti american as they come. I bet you probably have no problem with the burning of our flag if someone chose to do so. Am I correct? I do agree that you definately have the right to believe in whatever you like and practice whatever religion you choose,that's one of the things that makes this country so great is that it even opens it's arms to people that would not defend it or respect it's beliefs but I also have the right to not associate myself with the type of people with your beliefs. You see,this great country gives us both EQUAL rights. Yes here we believe in Jesus Christ and over there they believe in Allah. The difference is here we give people with different religious beliefs the right to practice them and preech them openly. Over there if an American openly proclaims his Christianity you may see his head attached to a stick being parraded down the street. I respect your right because American sons and daughters have and continue to spill their blood giving you that right but I dont respect your choice to dishonor the sacrifices given by these true blooded Americans. You may be a nice guy whos knows, but you don't have the values of someone I would want to associate myself with. I have tried to make my point in a polite way without name calling and I hope I have. Good luck and may you never find yourself "SITTING" at a Nascar race surrounded by camouflaged men when the National Anthem is being played.
You know, I had a heck of alot typed here to debate with Mrs. Cableguy. To start this shorter version though, let me say thank you for callin me an anti-american!!!!
I always enjoy being called names.(for people that have peas for brains,thats called sarcasm) This is rediculous. I can't even tell you how many times I have said I could care less about if it stays or goes. I don't refuse the pledge. (Once again,it would be respectful to actually read what I wrote!!!!)The only thing you had right out of that, was the fact that I would not let someone force me to put a gun in my hand and take another mans life. You know what, I could go on and on just laying into Mrs.Cableguy, but honestly, I am so insulted by this guy talking to me as if I am some kind of idiot. That was probably one of the most rediculous replies that has been on here. I mean true blooded American?!?!?!what the crap???And I like how you go on about me being dishonorable. Thanks for judging!
I am dying to whole heartedly reply, but ah.....screw it. Nothing I have said so far is getting through. Don't know if it's thick heads, or just the lack of I.Q.
]I never knew that I was required to say the pledge of allegiance. Hmm....
As a matter of fact, I'm 22 years old and have never said the pledge.
You're quote from reply # 55. Now check replies # 63 and finally [/b] # 96. You state that you don't and won'ts say the pledge.[/ Man you're 22 and think you know everything about anything.
I was correct
in saying you refuse to say the pledge, you don't think God should be on our currency and that you would be a draft dodger!!! I simply stated what you allready stated yourself. And yes with those quotes you do "SEEM" unpatriotic. Whats a matter did I hit a nerve. I did not resort to name calling little boy you did. Is that what happens when someone catches you with you're hand in the cookie jar. While you seem to be educated you can't hide from yourself. You contradict almost everything you debated about then when the heat gets turned up a little you resort to name calling and then take you're toys and go home. Okay poleSMOKA. Now let me tell you what I really think about you since you could'nt handle a little criticism directed in a nice way. You seem like a little spoiled baby that was bullied throughout life and now is old enough to do what he wants so you defy everything that is of sound morals and instead you go against it. Mrs Cableguy??? Is that the best you can do you little stay in the bathroom for 30 minutes a pop pimple face still trying to act like a big boy wearing pull ups little sissy. If you can't handle a heated debate that touches on issues that tend to rile up a few good ole boys or that peak the interest of a few well versed ,articulate concerned citizens then go pop the rest of your zits while practicing you're "whats up ladies " line. Not only do some of you're statements SEEM unpatriotic to me but I also think you act like a coward by name calling and then leaving because you were called out. Is that what you were looking for poleSMOKA? Love Mrs Cableguy.
Last Edit: February 13, 2006, 06:26:57 PM by CABLEGUY1
Reply #154 on:
February 13, 2006, 08:37:37 PM »
Quote from: Honda328i on February 13, 2006, 09:27:02 AM
I wasn't going to reply to this again, but dreth, you got me going again, so this one is for you:
One Nation, "Under GOD"
One day, a six-year-old girl was sitting in a classroom.
The teacher was explaining evolution to the children.
The teacher asked a little boy:
Tommy, do you see the tree outside?
Tommy, do you see the grass outside?
Go outside and look up and see if you can see the sky.
(He returned a few minutes later)
Yes, I saw the sky.
Did you see GOD?
That's my point.
We can't see GOD because HE isn't there.
HE just doesn't exist.
A little girl spoke up wanting to ask the boy some questions. The
teacher agreed.
Tommy, do you see the tree outside?
Tommy do you see the grass outside?
Did you see the sky?
Tommy, do you see the Teacher ?
Do you see her brain?
Then according to what we were taught today,
she doesn't have one.
The original dead sea scrolls were found in 1946 intact inside jars of clay. Unfortunately, they don't teach "facts" in school anymore, so I doubt many people know about this because it is "religion".
The doors of hell are only locked from the inside, God gains no pleasure by people choosing to enter.
that was GREAT
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Reply #155 on:
February 14, 2006, 09:40:56 AM »
Quote from: CABLEGUY1 on February 13, 2006, 06:23:54 PM
Quote from: WPBSMOKA on February 13, 2006, 11:08:27 AM
Ok, call me a hypocrite!!!
Quote from: CABLEGUY1 on February 10, 2006, 08:25:24 PM
Quote from: WPBSMOKA on February 09, 2006, 02:00:51 PM
No, you are probably right Yunt. :(I most likely would make an attempt to restrain them in some form. I really couldn't give an honest answer on how I would respond to a situation like that, but I would assume I would make an attempt to survive.
Yes I would be a draft dodger. Try and start something over that, see if I care. I'm not about to put my life on the line for anyone, unless there was no way around it.
Let me get this right. You refuse to say the pledge, you think in god we trust should be removed from our currency, you admit you would be a draft dodger. I must say you seem as anti american as they come. I bet you probably have no problem with the burning of our flag if someone chose to do so. Am I correct? I do agree that you definately have the right to believe in whatever you like and practice whatever religion you choose,that's one of the things that makes this country so great is that it even opens it's arms to people that would not defend it or respect it's beliefs but I also have the right to not associate myself with the type of people with your beliefs. You see,this great country gives us both EQUAL rights. Yes here we believe in Jesus Christ and over there they believe in Allah. The difference is here we give people with different religious beliefs the right to practice them and preech them openly. Over there if an American openly proclaims his Christianity you may see his head attached to a stick being parraded down the street. I respect your right because American sons and daughters have and continue to spill their blood giving you that right but I dont respect your choice to dishonor the sacrifices given by these true blooded Americans. You may be a nice guy whos knows, but you don't have the values of someone I would want to associate myself with. I have tried to make my point in a polite way without name calling and I hope I have. Good luck and may you never find yourself "SITTING" at a Nascar race surrounded by camouflaged men when the National Anthem is being played.
You know, I had a heck of alot typed here to debate with Mrs. Cableguy. To start this shorter version though, let me say thank you for callin me an anti-american!!!!
I always enjoy being called names.(for people that have peas for brains,thats called sarcasm) This is rediculous. I can't even tell you how many times I have said I could care less about if it stays or goes. I don't refuse the pledge. (Once again,it would be respectful to actually read what I wrote!!!!)The only thing you had right out of that, was the fact that I would not let someone force me to put a gun in my hand and take another mans life. You know what, I could go on and on just laying into Mrs.Cableguy, but honestly, I am so insulted by this guy talking to me as if I am some kind of idiot. That was probably one of the most rediculous replies that has been on here. I mean true blooded American?!?!?!what the crap???And I like how you go on about me being dishonorable. Thanks for judging!
I am dying to whole heartedly reply, but ah.....screw it. Nothing I have said so far is getting through. Don't know if it's thick heads, or just the lack of I.Q.
]I never knew that I was required to say the pledge of allegiance. Hmm....
As a matter of fact, I'm 22 years old and have never said the pledge.
You're quote from reply # 55. Now check replies # 63 and finally [/b] # 96. You state that you don't and won'ts say the pledge.[/ Man you're 22 and think you know everything about anything.
I was correct
in saying you refuse to say the pledge, you don't think God should be on our currency and that you would be a draft dodger!!! I simply stated what you allready stated yourself. And yes with those quotes you do "SEEM" unpatriotic. Whats a matter did I hit a nerve. I did not resort to name calling little boy you did. Is that what happens when someone catches you with you're hand in the cookie jar. While you seem to be educated you can't hide from yourself. You contradict almost everything you debated about then when the heat gets turned up a little you resort to name calling and then take you're toys and go home. Okay poleSMOKA. Now let me tell you what I really think about you since you could'nt handle a little criticism directed in a nice way. You seem like a little spoiled baby that was bullied throughout life and now is old enough to do what he wants so you defy everything that is of sound morals and instead you go against it. Mrs Cableguy??? Is that the best you can do you little stay in the bathroom for 30 minutes a pop pimple face still trying to act like a big boy wearing pull ups little sissy. If you can't handle a heated debate that touches on issues that tend to rile up a few good ole boys or that peak the interest of a few well versed ,articulate concerned citizens then go pop the rest of your zits while practicing you're "whats up ladies " line. Not only do some of you're statements SEEM unpatriotic to me but I also think you act like a coward by name calling and then leaving because you were called out. Is that what you were looking for poleSMOKA? Love Mrs Cableguy.
Yea, thanks for refreshing my memory with the pledge. That's true I remeber making a statement that I wouldn't say the pledge. As far as knowing everything, I've been discussing one subject with everyone this whole time. Just because your impressed with my intelligence, doesn't mean that I think I know it all. This subject is just common sense if you look at it unbiasedly. Telling me I am an anti american wouldn't be calling me a name? What am I contradicting exactly? I know with the self defense, and not saying the pledge comment. But what else? Haha, man I have to admit, the whole zit scenario is rather amusing. Talk about hitting a nerve though. I wasn't trying to turn this into a name calling match or anything(even though that might be your only chance to come out ahead here). You called me anti American, so just to point out that you called me a name I made a slight alteration to your display name. Only twice I believe too. And I'm still not going to resort to trying to call you some names. I was never picked on in school.(except for one time I was on LSD and turned into a punching bag over a girl)Pick up lines,lol, ya here's the only pick up line I use, I'm Drunk!To be honest, I think that reply was totally uncalled for. I was upset over you asking me questions or bringing up stuff that was already discussed. You turned around and just made a valiant attempt to hit a nerve with trying to play out my adolescent years. Nice try. I don't get fired up really over some name calling. I can't really respond well with this little sleep. But I will finish by saying that this is turning into a discussion about me. In my opinion, MR. Cableguy, I think your posts are just a desperate plea for attention. I mean all of that back there was totally uncalled for. I found it amusing, but sad at the same time. But I will say I am impressed with your vocabulary.(for those of you with pea for brains, thats not sarcasm)I might make another attempt at a respnose when I am not recovering from a long night of sinning.
Last Edit: February 14, 2006, 09:43:10 AM by WPBSMOKA
'04 400ex, frequently bent handlebars, bent bumper, torn seat, rusty chain and some abused plastics
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Reply #156 on:
February 14, 2006, 05:18:04 PM »
Now this is just a waste of my time. People coming to me with the same stuff that has already been discussed. I won't even be checking this thread again. Pathetic really. If you have a dispute, send me a PM. Peace
Reply # 148. I am done with you. I call a truce before it gets to ugly. We obviously don't see eye to eye and rather then continue the verbal jabs I've decided to let it go. Good luck.
Reply #157 on:
February 15, 2006, 05:59:00 AM »
Mark Twain joked about putting a dog and cat together in a cage to see how they'd get along. They did fine so he added a bird, a pig and a goat. They all did well until he added a Baptist, a Presbyterian and a Catholic - and soon there wasn't a living thing left! Seriously, there's nothing Satan enjoys more than causing division by pitting Christian against Christian, often over insignificant issues.
Notice, before His crucifixion Jesus didn't pray for his disciples to stay loyal or dedicated. No, he prayed that they'd remain united in their love for one another: "That they all may be one, as You...are in Me, and I in You...that the world may believe" (Jn 17:21 NKJV). Jesus recognized the fallacy of claiming to love God without loving your brothers and sisters. He knew that the church can't fulfill its mission of reaching the lost, if its members are at one another's throat. Listen: "The members of the body, though they are many, are one...For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body." Jesus puts it another way: "Love one another. In the same way I loved you...This is how everyone will recognize that you are my disciples" (Jn 13: 34-35 TM). If we have the right doctrine but the wrong attitude, we'll alienate the very people we hope to attract. A divided, confused world can only be reached by united, loving Christians!
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